Thursday 25 October 2018



Tummy problems are quite a common thing in the people these days. Especially now when the lifestyle of every individual has become more unhealthy than before, even the ailments like diverticulitis have become very common to hear. Diverticula are basically the pouches which occur along the digestive tract of the individual, most often in the large intestine (colon area). It is one of the serious digestive problems and hence requires immediate attention as well as treatment.
But how will you know that you are having the condition of diverticulitis and not a normal digestive problem? Well, if you are having a combination of any of the symptoms stated below, then you should probably run a test for diverticulitis:
    • Blood in stool
    • Abdominal pain
    • Nausea or Vomiting
    • Fever
    • Diarrhea or Constipation
    • Urinating more than usual
    • Burning sensation while urinating
    • Bleeding from the rectum

Natural Remedies for the Treatment of Diverticulitis

    • Liquid Diet
It is highly recommended that you switch immediately to a complete liquid diet for a few days. You doctor who is expert in the ayurvedic treatment diverticulutis India will help you prepare a proper liquid diet chart which will provide your body the necessary nutrients while allowing some rest to your colon.
    • High-Fibre Diet
Try to increase your fibre intake in the form of vegetables or fruits as fibre can be really helpful in managing the bleeding as well as pain. It increases the volume of the stool and makes it possible for the stool to take less time while passing through the digestive system, thus reducing the pain. But, this is only recommended once you are allowed to take solid food.
    • Probiotic Food
The presence of “good bacteria” can really help in fighting the bad bacteria present in the body, thus aiding your body from the ailment. The one food which is really rich in probiotics naturally is yogurt. Consume it twice a day for better effects.
    • Take Slippery Elm
This herb is really effective in treating the irritated tissues present in the digestive system and provide you some relief from the pains. Take a spoonful of slippery elm powder in the water and consume it at least 3 times a day for best results.
    • Eat Flaxseeds
They are a very rich source of fibre and recommended in the ayurveda as a part of healthy lifestyle at many places. Consumption of around 15 grams of the flaxseeds in a day in any form will help soften and stool and hence make its movement in the digestive system easier.
    • Marshmallow Tea
Did you know that marshmallow is actually herb called Althaea officinalis? Its roots are actually very useful in counteracting the excessive stomach acids. Just steep 5 grams of its dried roots with the water and bring it to boil before drinking it. However, it might react with the medication of other ailments so consult with your doctor first.
    • Chamomile Tea
It has anti-inflammatory properties and can be really helpful in soothing the inflammation in your stomach. Having 1 to 4 cups of chamomile tea can help a lot in the condition. However, if you have any kind of hormonal problems, are pregnant or on birth control pills, then you should avoid it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on herbal remedies for digestive problems



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