Saturday 30 June 2018



What are Non-bleeding Piles?

Non-bleeding piles or hemorrhoids are defined as painful inflamed veins in the anus. One can experience its typical symptoms as pain, itching and bleeding around the anal area.

How can Ayurveda Help in the Treatment of Non Bleeding Piles

In Ayurveda, we have vatakaphahara, usna, Srotosodhanam, Srstavinmutratvam, and vatanulomanam therapies for non-bleeding piles. Parijatak Ayurveda offers a complete medication course for piles. To name them we can go as:
    • Kasayam, which includes Ciravilvadi kasayam, Dusparsakadi kasayam, Gandarvahastadi kasayam and are prescribed at a dose of 60 ml morning and night before food.
    • Churnam is the formulation, the dosage and composition of which vary as advised by the experts. Vaisvanara churnam is given 1 teaspoon with kasayam morning and night before food, Trvrt churnam is given 20 gms with hot water at night after food, while Triphala curnam, Yogaraja churnam and/or Guggulupancapala churnam is given 1 teaspoon with hot water at night.
    • Gulika, more specifically Kaisora Guggulu, Kankayana vati and
      Saddaranam tablet are recommended -2-0-2 after food; Bhallataka vati (lmis pharma) are given two tablets twice a day and Idivalldi capsule (containing sudhika ballataka) (SKM pharma, Erode ) is given one tablet two times a day for treating suska arsas.
    • Asava/ aristam, has a complete course of medicine which includes the Putikaranjasavam, Abhayaristam, Dantiyaristam, Duralabaristam, Pippalyasavam, Putivalkalasavam, Sukumara aristam. They are quite useful in curing non bleeding piles and prescribed 20 ml morning and night after food.
      When there is constipation without acidity, 25 ml of abhayaristam twice a day is effective for non- bleeding piles.
    • Lehyam is recommended at different dosages: Sukumara lehyam (20 gms with warm water) is given at night after food. Other medicines are Bahusala gudam (1 teaspoon two times a day), Dantiharitaki lehyam, Dasamula haritaki lehyam, and Hrdya virecanam (2 teaspoon at bed time each as per requirement), Manibadra gudam (1 teaspoon at bed time), and Vanasurana lehyam (1 teaspoon morning and night after food). All these are prescribed after studying the case thoroughly.
    • Ghrtm is recommended with milk and includes carngeriyadi ghrtam, sukumara ghrtam, palandava ghrtam, varandi ghrtam, and guggulutikta ghrtam are effective when taken with milk at bed time.
    • Rasa ousadas or the arpguavardhini vati, given -2-0-2 after food.
    • Asava/ aristam are very helpful for piles. Arisats are used in areas and its specificity is employed accordingly. Abhayaristam contain amla or amlaki as the main ingredient. It is agni dipana, vata kaphahara, anulomana and useful in visa rogas also.
    • Dantiaristam, and Duralabristam are more anuomana than dantiyaristam
    • Puthikarajasavam, a lekhana yoga,is Agni dipana, and useful in renal stones also. It is cukra (more acidic in nature).
    • Nirgundi patra kasayam or luke warm water is advised for curing constipation and helps in reducing the pain while bowel.
    • Other therapies include Murivennai (Mahatiktaka ghrtam, Satadoutha ghrtam, Masikkai tailam), Ksarasutram, Matra vasti or use of Pippalyadi anuvasana tailam, Gandarvahasta eranda tailam, Sukumara eranda tailam, Hingutriguna tailam, kalyanaka gudam or hrdya virecanam (25 ml morning empty stomach) once a week.
All references are from Astanga Hrudya-arsha chikitsa

What are the Other General Steps for curing Piles?

    • Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day is desirable
    • Sitz Bath (hip bath) is recommended in which only the hips and buttocks are immersed in water or saline solution.  The name is derived from the German verb “Sitzen “, meaning to sit. As a form of hydrotherapy-the use of hot and cold water, steam and iced to restore and maintain health. Sitz bath increases blood flow to the pelvic and abdominal areas and thus can help reduce inflammation and alleviate a variety of problems. They are particularly helpful for disorders like hemorrhoids, muscular disorders, painful ovaries and testicles, prostate problems and uterine cramps. Cold sitz baths are helpful in the treatment of important and vaginal discharge. Alternating hot and cold sitz baths help to relieve abdominal disorders, congestion, headaches, muscle disorders, neuralgia, and swollen ankles.

What is Sitz Bath?

Fill a tub or basin so that the water covers the hips and reaches the middle of the abdomen. If no suitable basins are available, one can utilize a bathtub.

The temperature of the water should vary according to the type of illness. When using a hot sitz bath, the bathtub or basin should be filled with water of about 110 “f. stay in the bath for to forty minutes.
When using a cold sitz bath, fill the bathtub or basin with ice cold water. Patient must stay in the cold bath for 1 -2 minutes only.
When using alternative hot and cold baths, fill one basin with water of about 110⁰F, and another basin with ice water. Immerse yourself first in the hot sitz bath and remain there for three to four minutes. Then move to the cold sitz bath and remain there for thirty to sixty seconds. Repeat this two to four times and dry the patient using a towel.
Sitz baths are very helpful for a woman after childbirth irrespective of an episiotomy.

Why Should You Trust Parijatak Ayurveda for Curing Piles?

Parijatak Ayurveda is one of the most reputed healthcare centres in India that can cure any disorder with Ayurvedic medication and therapeutic courses. You can be sure of receiving the best remedies here without having any negative side effects on your health. Ayurveda is the gift of nature and Parijatak’s experts have excelled in harnessing nature’s resources for the benefit of people. Being totally natural the medicines have zero side effects and 100 percent benefits. Talk to the experts to get the perfect solutions for your piles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the great and very helpful information regarding piles disease and its treatments. I always suggest go towards Ayurveda or herbal Piles Medicine. It's cure this disease permanently.



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