Monday 25 June 2018


Cure Depression with Ayurveda 

Due to compitative lifestyle many peoples in the world were suffering from this Depression.Near about !0% of population were suffer of this problem.In Ayurveda it is called as Vishaad or Manoavasad.Depression not only affects the mind but also it effects the body of person.


Genetic Factor,
Environmental condition,
Family surroundings like parents negligence towards child
Long term illness
Post partum period
Negetive thoughts

In Ayurveda,vitiation of tridosha (Vata,Pitta,Kapha) causes  imbalance of  psychic energies (sattva, rajas, tamas) which leads to various mental disorders. This applies to depression as well. Lack of mental discipline, indulgence in negative thoughts and activities and negative emotions, such as hatred, anger, etc. are known to cause imbalance in psychic energies which in turn leads to diseases like depression.


    • Mood Ulteration (sadness or anger or anxiety)
    • Fatigue
    • Loss of appetite
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Irritability
    • Loss of concentration
    • Feeling of worthlessness
    • Social isolation
    • Loss of intrest in work

Treatments for Depression

Abhyangam : 

A full body massage with medicated oil increases blood circulation. By which internal toxins can be eliminated from the body. Stimulation of vital pressure points leads to nervous stimulation leading to stress reduction.

By the foot massage we apply the pressure on vital points which balances the Doshas. Stimulation of vital points induces mental calmness and relief from stress.
Nasyam : 

Nasyam means administration of medicines through nose. Nasyam stimulates the vital centers of brain that regulate emotions.
Pizhichil : 

Means squeezing of body with medicated oil.It helps in  physical and mental relaxation. The stress and tension building up in the system due to various factors often leads to oxidative stress which can be effectively combated by Pizhichil.
Kizhi : 

Pottali prepared with powders, herbs, rice or sand t are  heated and then apply over the body or specific parts of the body . This leads to improvement in circulation. Enhanced circulation reduces the oxidative stress thereby relieving the psycho-physical symptoms of stress.

pouring of medicated oil on forehead for a specific period of time called as Shirodhara. It stimulates and soothes the hypothalamus to induce sleep by reducing stress.


    • Arjuna
    • Ashwagandha
    • Brahmi
    • Mandukparni
    • Jatamansi
    • Lavang
    • Amlaki
    • Shatavari
    • guduchi
    • Vacha
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