Friday 6 July 2018


Ayurvedic Treatment of Cardiospasm In India

Achalasia Cardla

Causes and symptoms

    • It is a condition in which the lower esophagus sphincter fails to relax.
    • There will be difficulty in swallowing solid food and liquids also.
    • Chest pain, regurgitation of food will be reported during night.
    • Chest pain may occur during ingestion.
    • There is another condition called corkscrew Oesophagus, in which un co-ordinated movement of peristalsis of esophagus are seen. Chest pain will be present. These uncoordinated contractions don’t propel food effectively to stomach.
    • Usually severe pain will be there, pain increases after the exercise. This may mimic the chest pain.
    • I have seen people having this problem even after surgery.


    • Barium x-ray
    • Endoscopy
    • Biopsy is taken at the lower end of esophagus to rule out cancer.
    • Sometime endoscopic procedure can produce erosion.


    • Chillies, tamarind, pickles, etc., should be avoided
    • Coffee, tea should be reduced
    • Vega dharanam must be avoided.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Cardiospasm In India

Treatment principle

    • Udavarta cikitsa
    • Vibandhahara ousadas
    • Vata gulma cikitsa
    • Tamaka savasa cikitsa
    • Mrdu snehana

 Protocols are adopted here

    • Spasms can be taken as kaphavruta vata avastha.
    • So kapha vatahara,anulomana, usna, kincit sneha drugs should be selected.
    • The following drugs help the lower oesophageal sphincter to relax more easily.


    • Lasunadi or Resonadi kasayam (kapha vata haram, usnam ) 60 ml morning and night before food.
    • Gandharva hastadi kasayam with salt and jiggery (anulomana)60 ml morning and night before food.
    • Citraka granthyadi kasayam-60 ml morning and night before food.
    • Nayopayam kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
    • Saptasaram kasayam-60 ml morning and before food.
    • Panasa cada (jack fruit leaves) laja (buffed rice) kasayam 60 ml along with dhanvantara gulika- 2 tablets muhur- muhur prayogam.


    • Asta curnam- 1 teaspoon with butter milk morning and night after food.
    • Bhaskara lavana curnam- 1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.
    • Vaiscvanara curnam- 1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.
    • Avipathi curnam-1 teaspoon with warm water morning and night after food.


    • Hinguvacadi gulika-2-0-2 with butter milk after food.
    • Antrakutara rasam-1-0-1 with butter milk after food.
    • Dhanvantara gulika(Muhur muhur)
    • Kashthuri gulika -2-0-2 after food.


    • Nayopam lehyam-1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
    • Dasamula haritaki -1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
    • parusakadi -1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
    • Sukumara rasayanam -1teaspoon morning and night after food.
    • Ghrtam
    • Indukantham ghrtam (katu rasa, usnam, sophgnam) -1 teaspoon morning and after food. (drdva amasaya is kaphasthana. So it is more effective).
    • Hapusadi ghrtam-1 teaspoon morning and after food.
    • Sadphala ghrtam -1 teaspoon morning and after food.
    • Dadimadi ghrtam -1 teaspoon morning at empty stomach.


    • Abhayaristam-15 ml morning and night after food.
    • Pippalyasavam – 15ml morning and night after food.
    • Dantyaristam -15 ml morning and night after food.
    • Bhutikaranjasavam-15 ml morning and night after food.


    • Sukumara erandam(anulomanam) 15 ml once in 3 days at bedtime with milk (thamaka svasa cikitsa, i.e., prati marga harana cikitsa principle is considered here)


    • Narikera lavanam+ bhaskara lavanam (3gm) mixed with butter milk (100ml) – muhur – Muhur prayogam.

External treatment

    • Urovasti with laksadi tailam
    • Phalavarthi (Dipped in eranda tailam shuld be used after food in the noon for apananulomana)
    • Mild sneha svedana can be given in the chest region and throat region.
    • In my practice, I feel udavartha cikitsa is effective few cases end up in dilatation or surgery or botulinum toxin therapy.

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