Tuesday 21 August 2018


Connect With Parijatak for Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss

Know the Ayurvedic Cure for Hair Loss,  also known as alopecia in medical terms, has become a relativity common problem among the people, especially after a certain age. In fact, baldness is more persistent among men than women.

There are different types of hair loss, including

    • Involutional Alopecia – It is the gradual thinning of hair because of an aging factor.
    • Trichotillomania – In this condition, the person pulls out his/her own hair because of a psych disorder.
    • Alopecia Areata – It is actually a disease known as an autoimmune disorder which causes the immune system to attack the hair follicles in the body. It begins with the quarter patches going bald in the head one after the other.
    • Androgenic Alopecia – It is the most common and widely observed male patterned baldness which is generally passed down to the generations through genetics of either side.
    • Telogen Effluvium – It is caused by frequent shedding of lots of hair due to stress.
    • Alopecia Universalis – In this condition, all of the hair from the body, including eyelashes and eyebrows shed at once. The reason for this category is still not known to science.

Causes of Hair Loss

Though most of the people think that hair loss is caused because of the genetics, there are certain lifestyle factors also that can result in the weakening of hair shaft, causing more loss than normal amount of loss in hair. Some of the causes are:
    • Uneven sleeping pattern
    • Stress
    • Improper diet
    • Smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs
    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Paternal or maternal family history of hair loss
    • Thyroid condition
    • Psychological conditions
    • Medications like antidepressants, steroids, mood stabilizers, hormones, beta-blockers, blood pressure, acne, Parkinson’s disease, cancer and epilepsy

Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Loss

Know the Ayurvedic Cure for Hair Loss,  work on the root cause so that the problem doesn’t recur. Some of the most effective and best ayurvedic medicines to cope up with the problem of hair loss are:

    • Amla – It is one of the most easily available and effective natural conditioner for hair. It improves the health of the scalp by helping in tackling dandruff. All you have to do is mix equal amount of amla powder with water to make a thick paste and apply it in your scalp and hair. Leave it as it is for 30 minutes before washing it off with your regular shampoo for maximum effect.
    • Brahmi – Brahmi powder, when mixed with yogurt, ashwagandha power, and amla powder to create a paste and applied in scalp and hair for 1 hour before washing it off with shampoo, makes the hair appear thick and shiny. This herb contains properties to promote the growth of new follicle and strengthen the roots of the hair. In fact, it is also useful to reduce dandruff, itchiness and split ends.
    • Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is used to treating a lot of health problems for ages. If consumed in the form of liquid juice directly, it helps to cleanse the system from within. Mix aloe vera gel in coconut milk and honey and apply it in your hair as well as scalp. Let it sit for a minimum 30 minutes before washing it off with shampoo and lukewarm water. It promotes hair growth, improves scalp health and reduces hair fall.
Parijatak with a complete solution to all hair problems offers effective hair loss treatment services in Nagpur.

1 comment:

  1. These are the best tips to cure hair loss.This blog post have great information. Thanks for sharing this excellent blog with us.
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