Tuesday 7 August 2018

Principles of Ayurvedic Treatment of Amavata


Amavata is actually a very painful and a bit complicated condition that has been explained in ayurveda. The ailment initially becomes evident as a gut disorder, showing the symptoms of anorexia and indigestion. In the later stages, it encroach all the tissues in the body, majorly muscles, joints, bones and multiple organs. The condition is similar to that of rheumatoid arthritis of the modern medicine. In fact, some of the authors and ayurvedic medicine experts even compare it to the stages of gouty arthritis.
Though the causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still unknown, the causes of amavata have been mentioned in the books of ayurveda are:
    • Nischala – Inactive life activities
    • Viruddha Chesta – Noxious lifestyle practices
    • Viruddha Ahara – Mutually irreconcilable foods
    • Mandagni – Having sluggish digestive system and having low metabolism for too long
    • Vyayama, Snigdha Bhojana – Being indulged in heavy exercises immediately after consuming oil, highly caloric and unctuous food.

Principles of Ayurvedic Treatment of Amavata

Some of the guiding principles of Ayurveda that define the line of treatment for amavata include:
    • Swedana – Steaming, fomentation and sweating therapy
    • Virechana – Pcurgation
    • Katu Dipana – Consuming herbal medicines with pungent and bitter taste to improve the digestion
    • Langhana – Fasting
    • Vasti – Enemas

External Treatments for Amavata

    • Abyanga – Massage
    • Dhara – Pouring the fermented medicated herbal liquids in a stream
    • Upanaha – Poultices

Classic Formulations of Herbs

    • Dashamula Kashayam – It’s a combination of 10 different herb roots prepared by mixing in the castor oil (eranda taila).
    • Shunti Guda – Shuti is referred to as ginger and guda is jaggery in ayurveda. This medicine is basically the mixture of both.
    • Nagara Churna – It is the ginger (nagara) powder which is consumed with kanji which is a fermented herbal drink.
    • Eranda Beeja – It is a sweetened milk preparation which is extracted from the purified seeds of castor oil (eranda beeja).
    • Shuntyadi Kwatha – It is a combination medication prepared from ginger and tribulus terrestris.
    • Panchakola Churna – It is a powder formed by the mixture of terminalia bellirica (bibhitaki), terminalia chebula (haritaki), ginger (shunt) and emblica officinalis (amalaki).
    • Shunti Guduchi Kwatha – It is a combination of two herbs, namely, tinospora cordifolia (guduchi) and ginger (shunti).
    • Shatyadi Kwatha – It is a medicine formulated by the combination of some of the very effective herbs like ginger (shunti), acorus calamus (vacha), hedychium spicatium (shati), tinospora cordifolia (guduchi), aconitum heterophyllum (ativisha) and cedrus deodara (devadaru).
    • Bhallatakadi Churna – It is a powdered medicines which is extracted from operculina turpethum (trivrit), ginger (shunti), long pepper (pippali), terminalia chebula (haritaki) and rock salt (saindhava lavana).

You have to keep check on your weight and obesity can cause more complications in your condition so always ensure that you are not consuming too much of fat rich diet. Rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment India at Parijatak offers a streamlined course of treatment with the best of rheumatoid arthritis medications India composed of various tested herbal formulations. In addition, some therapies and procedures help cure what causes arthritis and help you lead a pain free life.

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