Tuesday 11 September 2018

Ayurvedic Medicine For Osteoporosis

Get Connected to Parijatak for Best Osteoporosis Treatment in India

There are two bone related conditions which are really common among the people above the age of 35 years – the bones in their body become really weak and their body starts producing less bones before, thus affecting its density. Both these conditions occurring together or independently are known as the condition of osteoporosis.
Though the condition occurs in both men and women but it is observed to be more common among women, especially after they experience menopause as their body stops producing enough estrogen after that. This particular hormone actually protects the body against osteoporosis.
As a result, this condition affects strength as well as the structure of the bones, making it more likely for them to get fractured. In fact, even a minor knock can results in your bones getting fractured, especially in hip, spine and wrists.

Causes of Osteoporosis

There are two types of factors that can result in the condition of osteoporosis. Some of them can be altered while some are completely unavoidable.
Unavoidable causes include:
    • Age factor
    • Reduction in the level of sex hormones
    • Having too tall or too slim structure of bones
    • Genetics
    • History of experiencing fractures during low level injuries
    • Controllable factors include:
    • Excessive smoking and alcohol
    • Smoking of tobacco
    • Deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium
    • Eating disorders like orthorexia or anorexia
    • Immobility or inactivity
Additionally, some other medical conditions and prescribed drugs can result in osteoporosis. These include:
    • Kidney diseases
    • Any kind of cancer
    • Presence of autoimmune ailments like rheumatoid arthritis
    • COPD
    • Consumption of anti-depressants
    • Medications used for lack of vitamin A in the body
    • Consumption of blood thinners like warfarin and heparin
    • Medication used to treat the thyroid hormones

Ayurvedic Cure for Osteoporosis

Some of the effective natural remedies to treat the condition of osteoporosis are:
    • Consume a handful of the sesame seeds before eating anything else every morning.
    • Drink dandelion tea regularly as it is known to have the properties that increase the bone density.
    • Having almond milk daily can provide vitamin C to the bones, which increases its strength.
    • Consumption of brussel sprouts not only protect the bones against osteoporosis but are also known to protect the body against some serious ailments like heart issues and different types of cancers.
    • One of the best Ayurvedic medicine for osteposorsis is consumption of soy products. Especially in women who are a victim of this ailment because of the menopause, these products ensure that your estrogen level is balanced in the body again.
    • Ensuring that your body is exposed to the rays of sun for at least 30 minutes so that it can consume vitamin D from the natural source.
Parijatak, Best osteoporosis treatment in India, is known to offer the best treatment for osteoporosis with the most thoughtful herbs and home remedies to cure the symptoms and prevent the causes.

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