Ayurvedic Eye Care Treatment In Nagpur
This is a beautiful world filled with wonderful colors, but it can mean nothing if your eyesight is compromised. Our ayurvedic doctors are adept in diagnosing conditions of the eye and have been proven to be effective in managing and treating them by implementing ayurvedic therapies.
Typical eyesight difficulties and diseases are a result of a hectic lifestyle and the burden of stress on the mind. The eyes and the mind are closely connected. The eyes as a primary sensory organ reflect the stress of the mind and this in turn affects the eye muscles, creating problems in sight. Parijatak Kerala Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital in Nagpur offers a holistic eye care program a unique blend of Ayurveda and contemporary techniques. Synergic use of eye exercises with natural ocular therapies and internal medicines aid in the strengthening of eye muscles optimizes retinal function and corrects refractive errors. These synergistic therapies can heal different eyesight complications like myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia and squint eyes. Natural therapies are also used to heal eye diseases like glaucoma, premature cataract, retinal diseases, retinitis pigmentosa, retinal detachment, optic neuritis, keratoconus and diabetic retinopathy.
Ayurvedic Remedies For Eye
Medicinal concoctions prepared using milk from our Goshala (cow shelter) and herbs grown in our own organic gardens are used in natural therapies for eye care treatment in nagpur. They are free from contaminants and retain the essence of nature. The treatments used are Netra Tarpana, a rejuvenating treatment for sore eyes using warm ghee; Netra Dhara, a natural way of cleansing the eyes using medicated oils and Netra Lepam relieves various types of eye pain. Treatments like Netra Bandhana, Thulum, Netra Putapaka and Netra Pindi in combination with eye exercises like sunning, palming, eye wash, candle light reading, Snellen chart reading, ball exercises, steaming and application of cold pack relaxes all the muscles of eyes, increases blood circulation to the eyes and softens and maintains the shape of the eyeballs. The treatments and therapies, which are based on Ayurveda and naturopathy have no side effects. The therapies and treatments at Parijatak Kerala Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital in Nagpur are effective for the overall health of the eyes and mental well being.
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