Saturday 18 August 2018


Promote Survival with Glioblastoma Ayurvedic Treatment India at Parijatak

Glioblastoma multiforme is a common type of cancer affecting the brain and the central nervous system. The cancerous cells directly affects the glial cells, particularly astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, of the human brain that supports the functioning of the neurons responsible for providing nutrition and protecting the body structure. Gradually, when the tumor grows it directly impairs the functioning of the nervous system and starts invading all the connected structures of the brain.
No doubt, supportive and successful measures have been taken into consideration to treat the bran condition through surgery and allopathic medicines; Ayurveda places its own essence in the treatment with the use of herbs with powerful anti-cancer effects.

    • Vitamin C Rich Food: All foods rich in vitamin C act as antioxidant agent that helps protect the inflammatory damage to the brain cells and DNA. It also supports and strengthens the functioning of the immune system that actually works to fight the causes of cancer and service as a catalyst to create immunity against cancer.
    • Mistletoe or Viscum Album is an excellent stimulating agent for the immune system with proven record of improving the life quality of cancer patients. The herb also acts as an therapeutic agent that fights against a wide spectrum of cancers due to its wonderful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant characteristics.
    • Ashwagandha: This popular herb helps relieve fatigue, stress, and anxiety while inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It also helps to reduce the negative impact of chemotherapy on the kidneys and liver.
    • Turmeric: This is a home cooking spice that has various benefits and helps cure a wide variety of health concerns. The herb has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help to control cancer-causing components. If the cancer is already present within the body, the herb acts miraculously to protect the progression.
    • Frankinscence or Boswellia Serrata: This is another excellent anti-inflammatory herb with proven records for treating the deadly cancer. The active ingredients of the herb work to inhibit the formation of the cancer calls and protect the brain and nervous system from all sort of abnormal genetic activity.
In addition to these herbs, Panchakarma is the most effective Ayurvedic therapy for treating glioblastoma. This therapy is a detoxification process that works to cleanse the cellular environment of the human body to remove all the toxins and restore the functional balance of the cellular composition.
All these medicines and therapies coupled with various other Ayurvedic treatment measures successfully used at Parijatak, the best Glioblastoma Treatment Nagpur. All the plans and initiatives taken for curing the cancer patients are customized depending on the cancer type and the response of a specified customer to the course of treatment. In an individualized manner, serving as the best brain treatment center India, the team here works to provide optimal benefit to the every patient knocking the door.

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